"The impact of the aquarium on our center has been amazing! I want to share with you some of the daily sights and sounds that occur in our waiting/reception area.
First, everyone that comes here naturally gravitates towards our gorgeous tank the minute they enter the building. Some sit and relax looking at the colorful, lively activity in the tank, but more often, spontaneous conversations erupt as adults and children share tidbits of information. People are teaching and learning from each other as to what’s in the tank and what to look for. Each week they discover what’s new in the tank, how things are growing and moving, and the fish are becoming more comfortable and animated. Daily there are squeals of delight from children as well as a, “there’s Nemo” discovery.
All of our clients and the entire staff have become emotionally engaged with our tank. It has become the “water cooler” of the office where at any time of the day you’ll find any number of people standing in front of the tank talking about the fish!
The impact and response is more than I could have ever hoped for. I just wanted you to know the effect the aquarium is having on all who enter and I want to thank you again. When you come for your weekly visits for service, you are taking care of more than fish and livestock! You’ve become a treasured fixture and your informational conversations bring delight to all.
I know I speak for everyone here when I say, Thank you Reef eScape!"
Fairfax, VA